Hotel Information

MTA Booking Link for Hilton Signia (NEA RA 2023)

Suggested travel dates are July 1 and July 7

Hotel Information:

Hotel Booking Instructions


Please note:

When MTA signs contracts with the MTA Host Hotel (Hilton Signia), MTA commits to booking a certain number of rooms. The rooms generate revenue for the hotel which allows us to receive complementary Wi Fi in guest rooms, complimentary meeting space for our caucus meetings as well as concessions like office space for the MTA and NBI meetings and discounts on our caucus coffee/breakfast and the AV equipment.

Delegates, who make alternative housing arrangements and do not stay at the host hotel, put MTA at risk to lose our contracted concessions and to pay penalties for under-booking. This will make it more expensive to hold our caucus meetings. It also hurts our negotiating power with future hotels.

Hotel Amenities